Boudoir Photography, why do boudoir?

February 14th, 2024


As a photographer I shied away from boudoir for the longest time. I didn’t have a “reason” I just wasn’t interested but I wanted to want to be interested. As my own personal journey of growth, acceptance and body positivity grew I started to begin to look at boudoir more. The problem was me! I didn’t believe in my own self image enough to encourage or promote your self image!

The first time I ever photographed this genre I was completely inspired. The woman that stood timidly before my lens showed such bravery. I walked away from that session knowing THIS genre is for me!! We both left the session with an incredible sense of self!



I have always been the kind of woman to uplift other women. I recognize the struggle that women have gone through and what we continue to go through. We are caregivers. We are taught to give of ourselves before giving to ourselves. We are taught to work to the point of exhaustion without taking the time to refuel ourselves. I truly believe we have a long way to go but I also believe we are going to get there!! (just a note, men work! And work, and work! I don’t dispute the challenges that men face daily. I can’t speak to it personally as I strongly identify as a woman. I do have a husband and two sons.)


On Instagram I recently did a pole asking you guys if you would choose boudoir and if the answer is no, what was your reason? I was not surprised at the results. 56% of you said your confidence was keeping you from doing it. 31% of you said you had nothing to wear. Only 12% of you said cost was an issue.



I don’t have the confidence. I get messages all the time from people inquiring about boudoir and they tell me they are just looking into it as they are on a weight loss journey. They say I am considering this but I just need to hit the gym for a few months. I hear, I just had a baby so as soon as I lose this baby weight I want to do it.

My heart breaks every time I hear this!! We all have goals, we all have a destination that we want to get to but part of that destination IS THE JOURNEY. If you are on a weight loss journey, that’s amazing, I am so proud of you but this is part of it. Why not document this stage of the journey and then come back and do it again when you’ve reached your goals.
Some of us need to stop looking forward and love ourselves right where we stand.


I don’t have anything to wear for boudoir? Well, you do. I think we all think of boudoir differently. We all have our own idea of the definition of boudoir. The actual definition of boudoir is, the bedroom. I kept searching to try to figure out how it became “women being photographed half naked” and I literally found nothing. You know what I did find, womans sulking room. That made me laugh!! Kind of accurate sometimes though. It also said it was a ladies private room for bathing and dressing and expanded saying it was used to read or to sew. Just like so many things in the world we have changed its meaning or attached an image to it that was actually never meant to be. So what does this mean for what to wear… can wear absolutely ANYTHING.


How about your favorite button down white blouse, or pink blouse, or black blouse. What about your favorite tank top (I say this one because that’s me!) your favorite band shirt (that’s me too!). How about whatever makes you feel amazing. I had one session where they wore their favorite hoodie with boy shorts and long socks. You are welcome to come in the sexiest lingerie you can find. You can bring that amazing pink bra that you love with matching panties…..or not! You don’t have to be naked, you can be naked. Anytime you step in front of my lens I always want you to be authentically you (actually, if we go for coffee I want you to be authentically you too!!)



If you’ve got this far in this blog, thank you! I do tend to rattle on so I will try to sum things up.


42% of you said you would prefer a mini to a full session. It could be because of cost, it could be because that’s a good first step for you, either way I want to honor that!!


After a great conversation with my cousin and favorite makeup artist Lianne Mascia. we decided it was time to team up and give you what you want!! A mini boudoir session with professional hair and makeup to get you to see all the beauty that you are!! Come and hang out with us and let us show you how we see you. Let us help you let your guard down and embrace all of your authentic beauty.


Let’s do this!! All of April will be mini boudoir month! April is the month of rebirth! Everything is budding. The sun is up longer and brighter. We are all super excited for the next season. Let’s celebrate that together. We wanted to do a whole month rather than a weekend so you aren’t limited and can schedule this with ease.



Send me a message at or send Lianne a message at and say let’s do this!

You can even text me or call me if you hate email 905-329-2902.


I can not wait to work with you!!!

